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HLTHPS004 Measure spirometry

This unit of competency teaches the skills and knowledge required to use spirometry and to provide a client’s spirometry recording under the supervision of an appropriate health professional.

Is this course face to face or distance?

The course is conducted via face-to-face training and you must also complete the self-paced work and assignments.

Entry requirements

This course requires you to have a good understanding of written, verbal and spoken English and maths (known as language, literacy and numeracy ‘LLN’).  All students who enrol in a course are required to undertake Adept Training’s LLN assessment.

Please note all students are required to provide the following documents on enrolment:

  • Completed enrolment form
  • USI Number
  • Photo ID
  • Proof of Residency (Birth Certificate, Passport, Green Medicare Card or Citizenship Certificate)
  • Language, literacy and numeracy assessment
  • Emergency contact

Course Code:

HLTHPS004 Measure spirometry

Types of Learning:

The course is conducted via face-to-face training and you must also complete the self-paced work and assignments.


This course requires you to have a good understanding of written and verbal English and maths (known as language, literacy and numeracy 'LLN').  All students who enrol in a course are required to undertake Adept Training's LLN assessment. 

Student Testimonials