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Resume Writing & Interview Skills

We offer these courses to assist you with your job seeking

Interview Skills: An employer has agreed to meet with you for an interview.  Naturally you are nervous but want to show the employer that you are the person they should hire.  In this workshop we will help to prepare you for questions you might be asked and what questions you should ask and there is always the possibility of the tricky question and how you can best answer it. We will also learn how to follow up after an interview and how to deal with being unsuccessful in your application and build from the experience.

Resume writing: Your resume is usually the first impression an employer has of you, therefore you want it to stand out from the rest and get the job!  In our workshop we will show you how to create a dynamic resume, what to include, what not to include and how to set it out.  We will look at refining your resume to reflect your experience and work history.

Job Ready Program

This program is designed for those who wish to cover a broader range of skills to get working.  As well as our Interview skills and resume writing workshops, we include Business English, covering common communication used within a business workplace environment, Business Etiquette, which is about providing business social skills and building relationships within the workplace and appropriate behaviour/skills, Personal presentation and grooming, which assists you with presenting yourself in the best possible way to secure an interview and most importantly the job!

This program is run over different sessions and is very comprehensive in setting you up for success. For further information please contact us 1300 366 044 or arrange an appointment with one of our course coordinators for further discussion.

Entry requirements

This course requires you to have a good understanding of written, verbal and spoken English and maths (knows as language, literacy and numeracy ‘LLN’).  All students who enrol in a course are required to undertake Adept Training’s LLN assessment.

Please note all students are required to provide the following documents on enrolment:

  • Completed enrolment form
  • USI Number
  • Photo ID
  • Proof of Residency (Birth Certificate, Passport, Green Medicare Card or Citizenship Certificate)
  • Language, literacy and numeracy assessment
  • Emergency contact

Types of Learning:

The course is conducted via online training. This course provides theoretical knowledge, it does not include face-to-face practical skills training in blood collection or injectables.


This course requires you to have a good understanding of written, verbal and spoken English and maths (knows as language, literacy and numeracy 'LLN').  All students who enrol in a course are required to undertake Adept Training's LLN assessment.

Student Testimonials